I'm starting to get used to my braces. I don't wake up drooling on the pillow anymore. I don't wake up with my lips dry and stuck to my braces anymore. Finally, I'm getting used to my lisp. I am starting to like having braces!
Of course I still miss eating. But I made an apple pie, and it is so soft, I can indulge no problem. Being able to eat pie kind of makes up for not being able to have burritos and sandwiches.
I have had them for 6 days today. Someone complimented my color choice of ligs today. A compliment! I don't look like a freak! My co-workers haven't even commented for the most part. The ones that did, say they didn't think I had a need for them anyway. People are being so nice. I feel really grateful and a bit silly for being so self conscious. It was just such a huge change to me when I looked in the mirror. But now I'm thankful for them, for the work they are doing, and that I can even afford them. Total turn around, I like them!
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